PostHeaderIcon Gov. Sarah Palin withdraws from governorship of Alaska

Sarah Palin, the lightning rod of political intrigues since she run for vice-presidency in the last election announced that she was stepping down as Alaska governor to avoid being a “lameduck’ public official. In a press conference in her hometown in Wasilla, Alaska, Palin said she will not seek re-election. Instead, she will devote time in private life---a decision she planned way before because she wanted to work and support a variety of unspecified political causes. In July 26, 2009, she will turn over her duties to Lt.-Gov. Sean Parnell.

The upbeat and articulate governor spoke of the culture of hate and personal destruction which she experienced on the hands of her political opponents and the bias media. Soon after she ran for vice-presidency a team of political manipulators came down to Alaska to dig dirt about her---too rapacious and unfair to even drag her innocent children to the political discussions in order to discredit her. Many of the innuendoes about her family had been unworthy of serious consideration.

A total of 15 frivolous ethics accusations against Palin by her political opponents were lodged at the expense of taxpayers’ money which all turned out to be in her favor. According to her, to defend herself on those baseless accusations, she had to uselessly spend half a million dollars which could have paid for meaningful espenses.

Money expended to discredit Palin could have helped pay for salaries of government workers. The nonsensical and wasteful effort which defamed individuals like her exposed a new breed of Americans who harbor self-deluding "moral rectitude" that frustrate the public.

With Palin's popularity and potential to be a presidential candidate in the next election, the good-looking former beauty queen which makes the Democratic Party uneasy do not lack criticisms from her harsh detractors. In spite of being a strong woman and conservative mother, she had been unjustly reviled as an "empty shell" in spite of her remarkable public record as governor of Alaska which didn't pale with the track record of Pres. Barack Obama.

A Republican bet against the questionable Obama administration, many speculate her decision to withdraw from governorship is a step towards her plan to run in the next presidential election. (Photo Credit: Infacinatorin) =0=


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