PostHeaderIcon Golden penis enlarger studded with jewels for a Saudi man

A Saudi Arabian wanted to help himself and ordered a custom-made penile enlarger. Instead of the usual $400 worth of adult gadget sold in novelty stores, he opted for a golden appliance with 40 diamond stones and ruby decorations to enhance his manhood. With the help of a jeweller, X4 Labs, a Canadian company, was commissioned to craft the unusual order pegged at a price of $50,000.

The gilded penis enlarger is one of a kind that opens possibilities to pamper the male ego and assuage a man's insecurities. There must be a market for such costly sex gadget and it can inspire others to place their own orders.

So perhaps, the next thing to do is find the right deodorizer and antiseptic to keep the adult toy odor free and clean. (Photo Credit: Mika Hiironiemi) =0=


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