PostHeaderIcon White House had the symbol of Jesus covered during Obama’s talk in Georgetown

As a sign of growing alienation of the Obama administration from mainstream Christian faith, the White House Staff requested Georgetown University, a well-known American Jesuit educational institution to cover “IHS,” a symbol of Jesus Christ in the Gaston Hall stage where the president spoke on Tuesday, April 14, 2009. The Jesus monogram was concealed by a black-painted triangular plywood during his speech.

“In coordinating the logistical arrangements for yesterday’s event, Georgetown honored the White House staff’s request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind Gaston Hall stage,” Julie Green Bataille, associate vice president for communications at (04/15/09, Mora, E)

Many Catholics were disgusted by the covering of the religious symbol on stage. Among them, Gary Bauer, chairman of American Values and a Georgetown Law School alumnus was quick to say:

Whatever the motivation of the White House was," he said, "the officials at Georgetown certainly should have said, ‘If you want to come here to speak, the evidence of our faith will remain visible. ”---- (04/16/09, Greer, R.)

The removal of the faith-based monogram of Jesus is consistent to the White House radical liberal stance against Christian religion. Earlier, the Holy See rejected Barack Obama’s ambassador endorsement of Caroline Kennedy who is a staunch advocate of abortion just like the president. The Catholic Church forbids the destruction of unborn babies and considers the killing of the defenseless intrinsically evil.

In Notre Dame University, another American Catholic University, the controversy of whether to let Obama speak in a graduation ceremony next month and receive an honorary degree has galvanized strong opposition in and out of campus. Catholics nationwide express outrage against the president who is out to implement abortion and stem cell research in his administration. (Photo Credit: Bottletreesouth; / Wikimedia photo; Janetyou) =0=

RELATED BLOGS: "Caroline Kennedy’s support for abortion disqualifies her as US ambassador to the Vatican" Posted by mesiamd at 4/15/2009; "Opposing Barack Obama as Notre Dame University graduation speaker" Posted by mesiamd at 3/28/2009

"Objection against Obama has been sharp because of his staunch support for abortion and stem cell research which the Catholic Church condemns. The chief executive has recently lifted the ban for embryonic stem cell research and offered federal funding for its scientific investigation. He has extended tax-payer money in support to international groups which practice abortion as a way to control population. Angered Catholics feel having Obama and his liberal views contradict Christian moral values."---UP Ibalon Bicol (03/28/09, mesiamd)


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